Preventative Medicine Program for Lambs
At Birth
- Disinfect naval with dilute Betadine or Nolvasan solution, (straight iodine is not recommended because it is very caustic)
- Selenium-Vitamin E (BoSe) injection
- Tetanus Antitoxin if ewes unvaccinated during gestation
1st Week
- Dock tails
- Castration
- Tetanus Antitoxin (if not given at birth)
6 Weeks
- 8-way Clostridial or C,D&T vaccination
10 Weeks
- Booster Clostridial vaccine
- Soremouth (contagious ecthyma) vaccine in problem areas
- Fecal sample for parasite exam
- Deworming based on fecal
- Repeat deworming
Preventative Medicine Program for Adults
- 8-way Clostridial or C,D&T vaccine
- Fecal exam
- Deworming at least 4 times per year
- Free choice, high quality mineral supplement year round
Pregnant Ewes
- 1-2 months pre-lambing and again 2 weeks prior: 8-way Clostridial vaccine and deworm with Ivomec
Other vaccinations may be considered for breeding flocks or flocks with specific disease problems. Call us for a consultation for your flock health.
Waiting until lambing has occurred, or until ewes are turned out of the lambing barn with their lambs, results in considerable contamination of the environment prior to treatment. If prelambing deworming is not possible, ewes can be dewormed at lambing and moved to safe pastures. It is important that animals be treated with a dewormer that is effective against hypobiotic larvae. Levomisole and ivermectin are approved products which have this ability. Thiabendazole does not remove hypobiotic larvae when given at approved dosages. Sheep kept in dry lots do not pick up larvae from grazing and need only be dewormed when moved from pasture to dry lot.