Recommended dewormers for common parasites
Ascarids (adults)
Ascarids (migrating larvae)
Ascarids (infective larvae)
Nodular worms
Kidneyworm (adult)
Kidneyworm (larvae in liver)
External parasites (ex. Mites)
Deworming Product
All products
Fenbendazole, pyrantel
Fenbendazole, dichlorvos
All products
Fenbendazole, ivermectin, lavamisole
Fenbendazole, levamisole
Levamisole, ivermectin
Ivermectin/Livestock dust approved for swine
The deworming schedule should include prebreeding for all breeding stock and prefarrowing for gilts and sows, prevention of Strongyloides and roundworms in baby pigs, and one or more dewormings in weanling and growing pigs. Specific strategic deworming schedules should be arranged with your veterinarian due to variation in herd size, property size and layout, housing and feeding situation, intended use of the pigs, and more.
Formulations for group administration are provided as well as for individual treatment. Remember to use only label-approved drugs via label-approved routes of administration. Use approved formulations and appropriate drugs for the target parasite species and stages.
Coccidia: Neonatal (baby pigs) coccidiosis caused by Isospora suis is found wherever pigs are raised in confinement. Clinical signs of yellowish or gray pasty to liquid diarrhea appear at 1 to 2 weeks of age with dehydration. Contact your veterinarian if symptoms persist for more than 24 hours.
The other coccidia, Eimeria, which are found in weanling and older pigs, apparently cause little or no damage, but sanitation of farrowing crates by thorough cleansing can be successful in its control. Control is best achieved by, thorough cleaning and sanitation between each farrowing, monitoring of movement of personnel and supplies, and control of pests and rodents to reduce mechanical transmission of the oocysts (eggs).
Piglet Health Program (Market, Breeding and Show pigs)
1-3 Days
- Iron injection or oral iron
7 Days
- Vaccinate for atrophic rhinitis, erysipelas and mycoplasma hyopneumoniae if sow has not been vaccinated
3 Weeks
- Circovirus vaccine
4 Weeks
- Repeat 7 day vaccination or vaccinate if not previously given
- Vaccinate for actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP)
6 Weeks
- Circovirus vaccine (can also be given to older pigs
4-10 Weeks
- Deworm, depends on weaning date, when weaning stress is over and when combined with other pigs. We recommend using a fecal test for optimal deworming
10-12 Weeks
- Repeat actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae vaccination
- Second deworming optional depending on environmental conditions and withdrawal time of selected dewormer
Additional Vaccinations for Gilts, Sows, and Show Pigs
Gilts: 6 Months to pre-breeding
- Leptospirosis, parvovirus and atrophic rhinitis. Repeat vaccination according to the label
- Deworm
Sows: 4-6 Weeks prior to farrowing
- Atrophic rhinitis and erysipelas
- Optional vaccinations: Mycoplasmal pneumonia, Transmissible Gastroenteritis (TGE) and E. Coli
- Dewormer
Sows: Prior to weaning or at weaning of litter
- Leptospirosis, parvovirus and erysipelas
Show or project pig
- *Ask seller what vaccinations have been given. Vaccinations should be the same as first section on piglets
2 Weeks after purchase
- Deworm
30 Days before show
- Erysipelas
We recommend that intramuscular vaccines be given in a spot on the neck just behind and below the ear so as to not scar the ham which could result in condemnation of the cut at processing time. Subcutaneous injections should be given into the loose flaps of skin in the flank or elbow.
Source: Oregon Pork Producers and Extension Animal Sciences Department at Oregon State University